June went by so slowly but July was over in a heartbeat. July was a hot month here in Portugal and unfortunately with a lot of devastating fires. I slept …
Hi there!
I’m Catherine. I’m here to show you how you can reduce your waste, by making instead of buying.
As a society, we are told we need to consume, but at what cost?
Everything that we buy took time to make. The materials themselves also had to be produced or collected somehow.
Buying has become SO EASY, the world has forgotten the time it takes to make everything that we buy.
By making from scratch, you’re fighting back. You’re coming more self-reliant.
Society likes to tell you that you can’t make stuff, that you need to buy instead. But trust me, you can.
Knitting clothes, baking bread, making yogurt, are just 3 examples of things you can make at home.
Take back the power that you’ve lost.
are you ready?

Zero Waste Bootcamp
Are you ready to live a more eco-friendly life? Have you started using reusable shopping bags but don't know what else to do?
Sign up for this bootcamp to learn about zero waste and actionable tips to help the environment.
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The pantry challenge ebook
If you keep throwing food away and feel miserable about wasting so much food, doing a pantry challenge is an easy step to take towards less food waste.
Homemade Yogurt Troubleshooting guide
Reduce the amount of plastic that you use by 85% by making your yogurt at home today with the same end result from a store bought yogurt. Learn how to make your own and how to correct any problems when making yogurt at home.
It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these. I could say that I intend to write one every month starting now but it wouldn’t be true. I feel …
There’s no question that I enjoy buying and selling second hand items. I believe that it’s a great way to be more zero waste without spending more money. Selling second …
I used to love reading these types of posts “how I read so much”, “how to read more books”, so there’s no way I couldn’t write a post myself about …
I took the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine! Although ever since my parents got fully vaccinated calmed my spirits, I was worried with them because of the stats, I’m …
You have made your homemade yogurt, but how long will it last in your fridge? The quick easy answer is: your homemade yogurt will last about 2 weeks, assuming that …