Make delicious homemade yogurt

Yogurt recipes that work without messing up the final texture of your homemade yogurt

Flavored homemade yogurt

You'll never miss store-bought yogurt again!

Download “My Top 3 Yogurt Recipes” and get access to yogurt recipes beyond the plain yogurt.

About Catherine

me holding a jar
Hoarding pretty jars since birth

My name is Catherine and I believe in reducing waste by making instead of buying. Making yogurt reduces the amount of plastic that I use.


I have been making homemade yogurt for years, I have done all the mistakes and I’m still learning after all these years.


Although I enjoy plain yogurt, I’m tired of seeing it as the only option.


I want to show you that you can make other types of yogurt at home without extra effort.


These are my go-to flavored yogurt recipes, the ones that I know that will work and help me not miss commercial yogurt.

This "Top 3 Flavored Yogurt Recipes" will help you...

  • Discover interesting yogurt recipes that are not just plain yogurt
  • Step-by-step instructions on making these homemade yogurts
  • How to make chocolate yogurt (yes, chocolate!)