Remember when I said that I’d participate in 30 Days of Lists? I’m actually participating but I’ve not been able to take photos. So I took all the photos last Sunday and I’ll be posting them 3 at a time so it’s not everything at once. I hope you like them =) I’m showing the first ones today. Lembram-se de eu ter dito que ia participar no 30 days of Lists? Estou a participar sim mas não tenho conseguido tirar fotos. Tirei as fotos de tudo até agora no Domingo e vou postando umas 3 de cada vez para não ser tão chato. Espero que gostem =) Ficam aqui os primeiros! It has been quite fun to try new fonts! I download free fonts at and try to copy them 🙂 Tem sido divertido experimentar fontes novas! Faço download das fontes grátis no e depois tento copiá-las 🙂 For english readers: I haven’t translated the text but if you really want to know what’s on the list (it’s not that interesting) comment and I’ll translate them for you 🙂